Henning Hasemann wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
>>>>>> Does anyone know if one can resume a python script at the error point
>>>>>> after the error is corrected?
>>>>>> I have a large program that take forever if I have to restart from
>>>>>> scratch everytime. The error was the data writing a file so it seemed
>>>>>> such a waste if all the data was lost and must be recalculated again.
> Sorry if this is off-topic here but Dylan (http://www.opendylan.org) is
> a nice language (I sometimes like even more than python itself) that
> allows you to continue the work right where the exception was thrown.

As I have explained before in this newsgroup, Xerox Parc had that
ability (the ability to finish an exception by returning to its source)
in their system implementation language, and finally removed the
capability when they saw how many bugs were related to its use.

--Scott David Daniels

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