On 2006-10-05, Dustan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Holden wrote:
>> Dustan wrote:
>> > I'm hiding some of the details here, because I don't want to
>> > say what I'm actually doing.
>> > [...]
>> I have the answer to your problem but I don't actually want to
>> tell you what it is.
> That's great, seeing as I already figured out the answer, as I
> have already posted in a reply.

I had a good laugh at it.

> Are you saying I broke one of these rules?
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> Or are you just being plain rude?
> A lack of a response from you implies the latter...

It was a joke, based on you hiding what you are doing, he decided
to hide the solution to your problem. Get it?

Neil Cerutti

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