At Friday 6/10/2006 06:58, Maric Michaud wrote:

As the first post said "...couldn't python (in theory)...", I was discussing
if it would be possible for python (in some future version) to manage the
literals so that they use the constructors in the __builtin__ module, I
didn't say it works actually (I'm aware it's not the case).

The idea looks crazy for me... You suggest that code like this:

        x = 12 + 6.0 - len('ABCD'

would be evaluated at run time as it were:

        x = int('12') + float('6.0') - len(str('ABCD'))

Certainly would slow down the whole execution time *a*lot*, with no benefit for almost nobody, if *every* reference to *any* literal in the code calls a python function at run time. And unless you return *exactly* the same object as now, almost all code would break!
Do you have any useful usage for this?

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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