Python and Java Developers for reseach project hired!
More information below...

Information Diffusion across Interactive Online Media

Four full-time research positions are now available at Graz University
Technology and Vienna University of Economics and Business
As of November 2006, we aim to hire four young researchers in the
following areas (Application deadline = October 15):

** Visualizing Semantic and Geographic Data
** Social Software and Content Management Systems
** Semantic Technologies and Ontology Engineering
** Software Development and Information Retrieval

Further details and the full text of the announcements (in German) are
available at

Project Description

Recent advances in collaborative Web technology are governed by network
effects and harnessing collective intelligence through customer-self
service and algorithmic data management. As a result, information
rapidly across Web sites, blogs, Wiki applications, and direct
communication channels between members of online communities who
these services. The IDIOM (Information Diffusion across Interactive
Media) project will support and investigate electronic interactivity by
means of a generic, service-oriented architecture. This architecture
include ontology-based tools to build and maintain contextualized
information spaces, a framework for analyzing content diffusion and
interaction patterns within these spaces, and interface technology
enabling users to switch between semantic and geospatial topologies.

Mag. Gerhard Wohlgenannt                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Projekt AVALON/WU Wien, Aug. 2-6         | Tel: ++43 1 31336 5228


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