On 10/8/06, Colin Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to Python although I have been using Delphi since version one,
> I have been employed as a C and C++ programmer so when I went to Linux
> (Ubuntu 5.10) I thought Python looked pretty good.
> I downloaded and installed 'Eric Python IDE' which seems OK, any
> alternatives suggested will be looked at....

Myself, I just use GNU Emacs. But this is perhaps an acquired taste.

> My current problem is I am trying to compile a package I downloaded, it
> is a PodCaster called 'CastPodder'!!), I looked at the source file and
> it tried to import something called 'wxversion' and couldn't find it.

Please copy and paste the exact error messages into a reply.

> I searched the net and found a package called 'Python wxversion???.Deb'.
> Downloaded it and unpacked it but the IDE still can't find it!

Have you installed the base wxpython package as well? Furthermore, are
you using Ubuntu package? I don't know Debian variants too well, but
it seems best to go with the official release.


> My question is : Where should I put the package (download it to..) so
> when I unpack it the IDE can find it?
> I looked around and found a reference to PYTHONPATH which is supposed to
> tell Python where everything is but I simply cannot find it anywhere. I
> found sys.path but I don't think that is what I want....

sys.path and PYTHONPATH do configure the location of Python libraries
for special purposes. sys.path is actually a list of all standard
locations for libraries built-in to Python at compile time as well as
nonstandard locations given in PYTHONPATH or through command line
arguments. You can even add to sys.path dynamically I think. But
wxpython from Debian/Ubuntu should install to a standard location.

-- Theerasak

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