Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> you're not on the infrastructure list, I hear.  

I tried to figure out where that list is, so I could have
a look at the archives, but I didn't find it in the (for
me) obvious places. Could someone please provide a link
to the archives for this mailing list, or aren't there
any public archives of them? Only for PSF members?

> could still need a few more roundup volunteers,
 > but it's not like nobody's prepared to contribute manhours.
 > don't underestimate the community.

So, how many have offered to help? Is this information
available in some public repository?

I don't know how much work it actually takes to maintain
a roundup installation for the Python project, but I know
that in general, not all people manage to follow through
on everything they commit to do, even if they have good
intentions, so I'd be a bit worried to move to roundup if
only two or three people had offered to run it, even if
that might nominally be enough. Of course, this depends
on who those people would be... Ten seems like a bit too
many though. I somehow suspect that less work would get
done in a group of ten than in a group of six people...

It seems to me that an obvious advantage with either Roundup
or Trac, is that if the Python project used it, the Python
project would have a significant impact on how this product
developed. Even if the Jira people seem eager to please us,
I'm pretty convinced that it will be easier to get Roundup
or Trac improved to fit our particular needs.

That's valuable in two ways:
1) The Python project would get a bug tracker which is
    developed with the needs of the Python project as a
    prime concern. (Being the major "customer" of a product
    has benefits. Jira on the other hand, might get more
    and more integrated with other Java stuff that we don't
    really care about.
2) We'd help making a good Python product even better, and
    probably more widely used, thus spreading the use of
    Python even further.

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