On 10/9/06, Edward Diener No Spam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The definition of a component model I use below is a class which allows
> properties, methods, and events in a structured way which can be
> recognized, usually through some form of introspection outside of that
> class. This structured way allows visual tools to host components, and
> allows programmers to build applications and libraries visually in a RAD
> environment.
> The Java language has JavaBeans as its component model which allows Java
> applications to be built in a visual RAD way. Microsoft's .Net has a
> component model built-in to its .Net class libraries as well as
> supported by CLR which allows .Net applications to be built visually
> using components created in any .Net supported language.
> With Python things are different. There is no single component model
> which allows Python developers to build components which will be used
> and recognized by the various RAD Python tools on the market. Instead a
> developer must create a slightly different set of Python classes for
> each RAD Python tool. This is the situation despite Python's having
> easily as much functionality, if not much more, as Java or .Net
> languages such as C#, VB, or C++/CLI for creating components, and for
> allowing visual tools to introspect the properties, methods, and events
> of Python classes.
> I believe that Python should have a common components model for all RAD
> development environments, as that would allow the Python programmer to
> create a set of classes representing components which would work in any
> environment. I want to immediately point out that components do not
> simply mean visual GUI components but what may be even more important,
> non-visual components. Having used RAD development environments to
> create applications, I have found such environments almost always much
> better than coding complex interactions manually, and I believe that
> visual development environments are almost a necessity in today's world
> of large-scale, multi-tier, and enterprise applications.
> Has there ever been, or is there presently anybody, in the Python
> developer community who sees the same need and is working toward that
> goal of a common component model in Python, blessed and encouraged by
> those who maintain the Python language and standard modules themselves ?
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

If you are talking about about creating a GUI and having be able to
run using different GUI libraries like Tkinter, wxPython, wxgtk, ect.
You could look into Dabo(http://dabodev.com/). It is designed so that
you can design your GUI and have it run with what ever GUI library you
want(only wxPython is supported at the moment. And I think that
Tkinter works somewhat.)

"Now that I am a Christian I do not have moods in which the whole
thing looks very improbable: but when I was an atheist I had moods in
which Christianity looked terribly probable."
  -C. S. Lewis


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