Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
>>is it possible to convert MSword docs into PDF format?
> Yes, it is. check out It's
> about converting Excel to PDF, but it equally applies to MSWord.
However, this assumed perfect import of the .doc file into Open Office, 
which can't be guaranteed (though it gets better every release). So you 
may want to do some experimentation to find out how well the import 

If that *isn't* satisfactory then a modest investment in Adobe 
Acrobat/Distiller plus the use of Python's scripting facilities to 
direct the conversion would be preferable to spending a huge amount of 
time writing a hand-crafted solution.

>> i told my future employer that i could, because i knew
>> of the COM scripting abilites that activePython had.
>> and i knew there was modules for PDF creation such as
>> reportlabs.

And the next time you are bragging in that way, couch your boasts in 
conditional terms to avoid losing face should you happen to be wrong. A 
lot will depend on the complexity of the Word documents.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
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