Paul Rubin wrote:
> John Doty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I have a bunch of image files in FITS format. For each raster row in
>> each file, I need to determine the median pixel value and subtract it
>> from all of the pixels in that row, and then write out the results as
>> new FITS files.
> I dunno what FITS is, but if you have a list of pixel values, that
> calculation sounds like two lines:
>    median = sorted(pixels)[len(pixels)//2]
>    new_pixels = [p-median for p in pixels]

Yes. The efficient exact algorithms for this problem use *partial* 
sorts. The Forth one from the FSL is of this class (although I know of 
two better ones for big arrays). But it's tough to beat the efficiency 
of the approximate histogram-based method the Python stats module 

John Doty, Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
Specialization is for robots.

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