> > I just started to learn python programming because I need to be in the
> > group when google come in Madagascar, So I want to know, what kind of
> > python programming I have to start to learn? Zope?...?
> > Sorry for My english! You can writ me on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > thanks!
> Let me know and I can get you some expierence using some of pythons
> functions that you can build your resume with.  My goal is to be
> featured in csound journal or at least www.csounds.com
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=156455
> http://www.dexrow.com
> "He is either a satinist or some kind of programmer with that snake
> book" quote (C) 2006

OKAY, I will look this


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