Ash wrote:
> Hello everyone !
> I am trying to find some sort of a cookbook or more examples for using
> Enthought Traits to build GUI's. I tried to follow the documentations
> present at the enthought site, but couldnt get too far - especially on
> how to handle a control event ?

The traits manual is in the lib/site-packages/enthought/traits/doc
directory, named Traits2_UM.doc/.pdf.  The traits UI manual/user guide
is also in there.  However, what is not so obvious is that there is
also an excellent, massive set of powerpoint slides (121 pages) that
Dave Morrill put together that talks about the architecture of Traits
UI, and how to build GUIs using it.  (Er, how to build them *well*,
i.e. adhering to the M-V-C pattern and maximizing code reuse.)  Those
slides are in traits_ui.ppt.

> say i have a list "control" that create using the following two lines:
> class Project(HasTraits):
>       coordinate_system=Enum('Cartesian','Cylindrical')
> I added the following line to get the option selected by the user:
> def _coordinate_system_changed(self,old,new):
>             print 'System changed from %s to %s ' %(old,new)
> but it does not return what the user select. It should return either 0
> or 1 based on the two choices, but i can't seem to find a way to trap
> that.

The way that this works is that _coordinate_system_changed() gets
called with the old value and the new value of self.coordinate_system.
Thus, it doesn't "return" anything; your method is a "handler" method
that gets called when the value of a particular trait gets changed.

Why do you say it should return 0 or 1?  Do you mean that you want to
get the index into the list of enumeration choices?  The Enum trait
type is not quite like C in this regard.  In C/C++, enums are really
ints; in traits, enums are lists of values of possibly mixed type.

> I am relatively new to this GUI programming in Python and really could
> use some tips/hints.

No problem, hope the above helped.  You might want to email your
questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and subscribe to it!).  That
is the primary mailing list for several enthought libraries (including
traits) and you'll get very speedy, in-depth answers to your questions



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