Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Paul Boddie wrote:
>> Meanwhile, the Web programming standardisation scene remains
>> stagnant.
> Aw, come on.  The Python web programming standardisation wars are over, for 
> now.
> There's Django, and there's TurboGears, 

And there's Pylons...

> and there's Zope 2/3, all with slightly different
> approaches, and slightly different target audiences.  Unless you're doing 
> really odd things,
> one of these will be more than good enough for your application.
> (as for WSGI, it's plumbing. You can of course build fun things from spare 
> parts and
> plumbing, and there are really interesting things going on in certain 
> research labs, as usual,
> but if you want turn-key stuff, pick one of the big three.)
> </F> 

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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