> I'm looking for a program to do line-drawings in 3d, with output to
> postscript or svg or pdf, etc. I would like to describe a scene with
> certain 1-3d elements oriented in 3d space with dashed or colored lines
> and filled or transparent surfaces (or maybe semitransparent).

For high quality line drawings using Python you have PyX [1].
Unfortunately it does not come with a 3D library. You probably have too
look elsewere for 3D vector drawings.  Some places to look are:

- Asymptote [2]
- Sketch [3]. A small, simple system for producing line drawings of
two- or three-dimensional solid objects and scenes. Sketch generates
PSTricks code for LaTeX.

Both Asymptote and Sketch requires TeX/LaTeX for typesetting labels and
such. Sketch is probably the closest to what you are looking for. See
[4] for an example of what kind of graphics it can create.

[1] http://pyx.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://asymptote.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.frontiernet.net/~eugene.ressler/
[4] http://www.fauskes.net/nb/threedill/

Kjell Magne Fauske


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