"Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Paul McGuire schrieb:
>> "Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm trying to find how to use a callback in a SOAP client using SOAPpy.
>>>> Does SOAPpy have to manage it, or does Python include some API to do
>>>> it?
>>> I've never seen any callback mentioned in SOAP. Are you sure this is 
>>> possible with any SOAP implementation, at least standard-wise?
>> This is most definitely possible, in fact it is the basis for a new 
>> asynchronous data collection standard for semiconductor equipment, 
>> Interface A (replacing the ancient SECS/GEM interface, originally 
>> designed to work over RS-232).  However, it is a major pain to implement.
> I don't call 'you can do that on your own' as standard-wise.
> Certainly you can run two servers, make sure they are mutually reachable, 
> and client and server share the same process space.
> But that is not a callback - it is, as you say, a PITA. And a massive lack 
> in the SOAP standard.
> Regards,
> Diez

I like your term "standard-wise".  Although there is nothing in the SOAP 
"standard" that prevents this architecture, it is probably open for 
discussion whether it is "wise."

As it happens, the client and server *don't* share the same process space - 
they don't even share the same computer.

And it *does* work, I'm running the software on a couple of systems in my 
office right now.

-- Paul


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