Hi everyone,
When i decide to paras a string,which return from running a CVS command,it's amaze that i want to get some file of the echo string ,how to make paras process more effect?
the problem detail as follow that:
run command:"cvs  status -r" it will return all the file list in as follow?

File: file01.xls Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision: 1.1
   Repository revision: 1.1 /msg/file01.xls,v
   Sticky Tag:  (none)
   Sticky Date:  (none)
   Sticky Options: -kb

cvs status: Examining 20060815
File: file02.xls Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision: 1.1
   Repository revision:/msg/file02.xls ,v
   Sticky Tag:  (none)
   Sticky Date:  (none)
   Sticky Options: -kb

cvs status: Examining 20060816

Now ,i just what to know the file of "Status",if paras all should be

coast expenses,is there any effect way?

PS:is there any python lib for CVS ?



Best regards

Kevin Lee


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