David Douard a écrit :

I did search Google for this problem (not enough, thou).
In fact, I found some kind of solution (by myself, not that much on Google),
but it is not really satisfactory.

I have used win32 pipes to do so (win32api.CreatePipe). I can redirect
stdout/stderr to it from my python code (even redirecting the stdout/stderr
from my C lib). But I still have a problem with this solution (well, 2):
- it is *much* more complicated than any solution available on Unix like
systems (not really a problem, but),
- it not synchronous at all. And I'd like it to be so (or almost so).


AFAIK, there is no working bidirectionnal pipes on Windows ! The functions exists in order for them to claim being POSIX, but they're not working properly. Under Windows environment, I suppose you have to find your way using their buggy pipes (and by no means their "POSIX" pipes) or you have to use another inter-process communication protocol (DDE, COM, ...).


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