Hi. I just noticed that the "libraries" options under the [build_ext]
section in setup.cfg doesn't seem to get expanded. In particular, in
distutils.command.build_ext.py of python 2.4. (line147):

        if type(self.libraries) is StringType:
            self.libraries = [self.libraries]

though library_dirs for example gets split on ';' (line 156)

        elif type(self.library_dirs) is StringType:
            self.library_dirs = string.split(self.library_dirs,

is this a bug or am i using the "libraries" option in a wrong way in my

libraries = libgsl;libgslcblas

(btw, the above gets expanded on windows to "libgsl;libgslcblas.lib" on
the cmdline (not splitting on the ';' character).

thx for any help.


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