On 2006-10-19, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm home for lunch so my email addy is different.
> No, it doesn't happen very often, but when I need to reverse
> something (usually a list or a string). I can never remember
> right of the top of my head how to do so in Python. I always
> have to Google for an answer or refer back to old code.
> IMO, I should be able to intuitively know how to do this.
> Python is so user-friendly most every place else... why can it
> not be so here?
> I wrote this so I'll never have to remember this again:
> def invert(invertable_object):
>      try:
>          print invertable_object[::-1]
>          return invertable_object[::-1]
>      except:
>          print 'Object not invertable'
>          return 1
> invert([1,2,3,4])
> invert('string')
> invert({1:2, 3:4})

Shoot, now you'll have to remember where in heck you stashed that
function the next time you need to reverse something. ;-)

You'll still be better off in the long run memorizing the slice

Neil Cerutti

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