Although I just noticed that if the extension is .py then it will
still open a command window. It does indeed need to have a .pyw
extension for this to work. So all of you were correct. it needs to
use popen and have .pyw as the extension in order for python not to
open a command window. Thank you all for you help and support.

On 20 Oct 2006 14:28:23 -0700, Ant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fidel wrote:
> > Renaming the file doesn't work. I am on windows... There is a specific
> > line of code that tells python not to bother even opening a window.
> Seriously, renaming the script to .pyw should work from a standard
> python install. If it doesn't then the file handler for that extension
> must have got messed up somewhere along the way. You can fix this by
> right-clicking the renamed (*.pyw) file and selecting "open with..." ->
> "Choose Program" and finding the pythonw.exe.
> --


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