
I am a newbie to python and web development. I am part of a fairly
simple project and we are trying to identify an efficient way to design
our html pages. The technologies at our disposal are javascript, html
and python for now.

Our pages bear a very standard look. Here is what it looks like.

| -l1   | <-  ->                     Logout
| -l2   |---------------------------------------
| -l3   |
| -l4   |  CONTENT
| -l5   |---------------------------------------
|       |  COPYRIGHT

l1 through l5 are links that basically target the content page and fill
in. Each page via that link has a python reference to go gather
appropriate data for the content page. We are using frames to do the
banner.html, menu.html (the links page) and the content page.

For the content page, how can we decorate it on top with the back/front
buttons and logout buttons and botton with a copyright in every page.
It seems error prone as well as bad design to scatter this logic in
each content page. Is there a template logic like Sitemesh or Tiles
concept that can decorate a desired page just before show time?

Any other tips to help life easier are appreciated.


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