flit a écrit : > Hello All, > > I am trying to get information from a form and send it to a python > script without success.. > Here is my objective: > > User enters data in form --> form send variables to python script --> > script runs and output result.
<OT topic="HTTP"> If the script has side-effects (adding/updating/deleting database records, writing files, etc), the script should not "output results", but redirect to another url where the user can see these results. Else - if the script doesn't have side-effects (ie :a search form, ...), then the HTTP method should be "GET", not "POST". </OT> > the form code > > <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/script.py" name="coord">Entre com > os dados <input name="data1"><br> > > Entre com os dados <input name="data2"><br> > Vai magraum <button name="submete"></button></form> <OT topic="HTML"> button elements don't submit the form - they in fact don't do anything unless you attach behaviour to them with javascript. What you want here is an input type='submit'. Also, the "button" tag doesn't require a end tag. <form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/script.py" name="coord"> <label for="data1">Entre com os dados</label> <input type="text" name="data1" id="data1"><br> <label for="data2">Entre com os dados </label> <input type="text" name="data2" id="data2"><br> Vai magraum <input type="submit" name="submete"> </form> </OT> (cf Steve's answer and the cgi module's doc for your problem) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list