Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Peter Hansen" scriveva:

> Miki Tebeka wrote:
>>>Hi all, I'm trying to write a multiplatform function that tries to
>>>return the actual user home directory.
>> What's wrong with:
>>     from user import home
>> which does about what your code does.
> :-)
> I suspect he simply didn't know about it.  I didn't either...

That's true :-D
But as I said in the other post os.environ["HOME"] doesn't work on my
Win2000 box.

> Nemesis, please use the above recipe instead, as it makes
> the more reasonable (IMHO) choice of checking for a HOME
> environment variable before trying the expanduser("~")
> approach.  This covers folks like me who, though stuck
> using Windows, despise the ridiculous Microsoft convention
> of "user folders" named like "C:\Documents and Settings\Peter"
> and prefer to create sensible folder like c:\users\peter
> and set a HOME variable to point to it.  Your approach
> ignores our HOME variable.

If you look at (I think this is the 'path' module on
Windows 2000) in you Lib dir you'll see that expanduser does try
So I'm not ignoring it, maybe it is redundant in my function.
The problem is that expanduser and user.home doesn't test if the value
returned is really a directory.

> c:\>python
> Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>  >>> from user import home
>  >>> print home
> c:\users\peter
> Yay! :-)

on my box it returns "%USERPROFILE%" ;-)

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