Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For example, the annoyance means itertools.takewhile consumes an extra
> element with no reasonable way to retrieve it. 
>    def is_even(n): return (n%2 == 0)
>    def is_odd(n): return (n%2 != 0) 
>    # we want to do something with all the runs of even numbers
>    # in the sequence, and similarly with the odds.  seq is an 
>    # infinite sequence.
>    while True:
>        evens, seq = takewhile_exact(is_even, seq)
>        do_something_with (evens)
>        odds, seq = takewhile_exact(is_odd, seq)
>        do_something_else_with (odds)
> Without the "goto"-like transfer, we'd get deeper and deeper in nested
> iterators and eventually overflow the call stack.

I wouldn't agree that there is no way reasonable way to get the terminating 
value with takewhile, you just need another generator or two:

>>> def repeatable(iterator):
        it = iter(iterator)
        for v in it:
                while (yield v):
                        yield None

>>> def takeparts(predicates, iterator):
        iterator = repeatable(iterator)
        while True:
                for pred in predicates:
                        yield takewhile(pred, iterator)

>>> for seq in takeparts([is_even, is_odd], [2,2,4,5,6,6,7]):
        print list(seq)

[2, 2, 4]
[6, 6]


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