Hello All, Here is a script I wrote to validate the cert sent by the server. It just makes system calls to open ssl. This is because python support is inadequate in this area. Let me know if this is helpful. I monkeyed with twisted, m2crypto, pyopenssl, and found myself sinking into a deep depression:
import commands import urllib # Get a file-like object for the crl, this is a URL for the CRL f = urllib.urlopen("http://devca.wijis.state.wi.us/certenroll/devca.wijis.state.wi.us.crl") # Read from the object, storing the page's contents in 's'. s = f.read() f.close() #Write the CRL in DER format to a file outFile = open('./tempCerts/crlDER.crl', 'w') outFile.write(s) outFile.close() #Convert the CRL using openssl to a PEM file commands.getoutput('openssl crl -in ./tempCerts/crlDER.crl -out ./tempCerts/crlPEM.crl -inform DER ') #Store the root and intermediary of the server cert in a file #called yourChain.cer, here it is WijisChain.cer #Copy your CRL and your chair to tempCertChain.cer outFile = open('./tempCerts/tempCertChain.cer', 'w') outFilePermCer = open('./tempCerts/WijisChain.cer', 'r') outFileCRL = open('./tempCerts/crlPEM.crl', 'r') outFile.write(outFilePermCer.read()) outFile.write(outFileCRL.read()) outFile.close() outFilePermCer.close() outFileCRL.close() #Now actually get the server cert, dont know if this work on windows #You must pass in your client cert and private key #enter server port bigString = commands.getoutput('echo | openssl s_client -connect SERVER:PORT -key myserver.key -cert Yogesh02.cer') #Get the server cert out by parsing the output of the above openSSL command blockBegin = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' blockEnd = '-----END CERTIFICATE-----' beginOuter = bigString.find(blockBegin) if beginOuter < 0: print 'Unable to continue: block begin string not found' beginInner = beginOuter + len(blockBegin) endInner = bigString.find(blockEnd) if endInner < 0: print 'Unable to continue: block end string not found' endOuter = endInner + len(blockEnd) blockWithDelims = bigString[beginOuter:endOuter] blockWithoutDelims = bigString[beginInner:endInner] #Write the server cert to a file outFile = open('./tempCerts/server.cer', 'w') outFile.write(blockWithDelims) outFile.write('\n') outFile.close() #Verify the server cert and check it against the CRL as well statusOutput = commands.getstatusoutput('openssl verify -CAfile ./tempCerts/tempCertChain.cer -purpose sslserver -crl_check ./tempCerts/server.cer') #Look at the output and cry or rejoice, drink beer here/repeat print statusOutput
Description: 1437792454-bruteForce.py
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