Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Arun Nair wrote:
> > [more homework assignments, not working]
> Do you really expect us to run your code, fix the bugs and send it
> back?

Yes, he apparently does. He's told us that it's homework, but that he
hasn't learned enough from his teacher.

Apparently that learning also didn't include the prohibitions against
colluding with others. Nevertheless, I'll bet they are still present.

> Please take a few minutes to read this:
> with particular attention to the following point:

In this case, a better section is:

    Grovelling is not a substitute for doing your homework

 \      "When I was a little kid we had a sand box. It was a quicksand |
  `\        box. I was an only child... eventually."  -- Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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