Fulvio wrote:
> ***********************
> Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.
> ***********************
> HI,
> I've a small doubt regarding the way to save a configuration file on the file 
> manipulated by ConfigParser.
> As far as I could understand this:
> cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser
> cp.set(section,option)
> will it do the set on the file or do I have to issue a "cp.write(fp)" in 
> order 
> to get it done?
> My tests didn't resulted positively.
> F
Yes you have to get a file pointer (fp) and do the write as you noted.

Also to get instance of ConfigParser you need:

cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()  (note the trailing parenthesis)

If you want to read existing .INI file before doing this you need a
cp.read('filename.ini') somewhere in your code.



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