Méta-MCI wrote:
> Hi!      (***sorry for my approximative english***)

That's ok. Quite amusing to read that you were repaired.

> A few months ago, I needed a console, under Windows.
> After several research, I selected the console of EffBot.
> Thank you very much, Fredrik Lundh, for this small tool,
> quite practical and which repaired me well.
> Then, Python 2.5 arrived.

That doesn't mean it's clever to use 2.5 right now...
There's plenty of code which isn't adapted to 2.5 yet.

Personally, I use 2.4 at work (although sometimes I
still need to be 2.2 compatible) and at home I have
both 2.4 and 2.5 installed. Most of the time I work
with 2.4 since I use packages which don't support 2.5
yet (or at least the last time I checked).

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