On 10/26/06, Michael B. Trausch <mike$#at^&[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> With the most recent edition of PyDev, I find Eclipse works quite well
> for me.

Since you mentioned it, I have a question that searching around and
poking around has not solved for me, yet.

Do you have auto-completion working with your setup?  It does not seem
to work at all for me.  I have read through the configuration help, and
there are no firewalls on my system at all, and everything else works
save for auto-completion, which I have had to disable.  If left enabled,
even with low timeouts, I have to kill Eclipse and start it again.  :-/

Do you have some firewall on? There was a report (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1509582&group_id=85796&atid=577329 ) in which the problem was actually a misconfiguration when creating local-loops (accessing in linux. If this is not your problem, please create a bug-report -- check http://pydev.sf.net/faq.html#ref_0 for bug-writing guidelines.



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