Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     test1dellboy3> I am exploring python-mode on emacs. When I open
>     test1dellboy3> in emacs and hit C-!, it starts the python interpreter in
>     test1dellboy3> another window. Next, I execute -
>     ...
> That's not really intended to be used as an interactive session with all
> sorts of bells and whistles.

Or he can use ipython, which with the special ipython.el companion file and a
recent (CVS) python-mode, will give him true tab completion (with options
listed in an emacs *completions* buffer) for all objects.

With ipython's %pdb active, it will also open up the source at any uncaught
exception, at the line of the exception.  Very handy for debugging.



ps. All this fanciness is thanks to the sustained efforts of A. Schmolck and P.
Ramachandran, I'm just happy to use them (I can't code a line of elisp).


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