At Friday 27/10/2006 00:48, Michael Naunton wrote:

It is clear your professor does not understand computer science.  Switch
to a new university now.

As noted in the problem, a deck has 52 cards.  cardsLeft(self) therefore
always returns 52.

This may seem pendantic, but CS is mostly about thinking about (and thus
naming) things clearly.  Find someone who does.

Uhm, maybe it's a matter of language, but how do you name the pile of cards remaining to be dealt once the game begins? At least in Argentina, it's called the same ("mazo") as the full, original, set of cards. The "remaining cards" interpretation for "deck" would be consistent with the required interfase: shuffle, dealCard, cardsLeft...

> shuffle(self) - Randomizes the order of the cards
> dealCard(self) - Returns a single card from the top of the deck, and
> removes the card from the deck.
> cardsLeft(self) - Returns the number of cards left in the deck.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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