Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Alistair King wrote:
>> Is there any other way of removing double and single quotes from a
>> number, as a string, to give the float value again?
> help(str) describes what you can do with a string (an object of type 
> 'str', that is).  among the methods listed, you'll find:
>>  |  strip(...)
>>  |      S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode
>>  |
>>  |      Return a copy of the string S with leading and trailing
>>  |      whitespace removed.
>>  |      If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
>>  |      If chars is unicode, S will be converted to unicode before stripping
> which looks like it should be pretty useful for this specific case:
>  >>> value = "'0.064250000000001084'"
>  >>> value
> "'0.064250000000001084'"
>  >>> value.strip("'")
> '0.064250000000001084'
>  >>> value.strip("'\"")
> '0.064250000000001084'
>  >>> float(value.strip("'\""))
> 0.064250000000001084
> </F>

the code works great now. I know these things are quite simple to learn
from books etc.. but i would be lost without this mailinglist, from lack
of time. Hopefully soon i can give something more complicated.
I ended up doing the dictionary formatting properly and the new code is:
heavy = raw_input("\n\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n\nPlease enter the heaviest
atom for which you obtained percentage values for, but not Oxygen or
Hydrogen, ie, 'C', 'N', 'S', 'Br'...: ")

def updateDS1v(Fxas, x):
if Fxas !=0 and DS1v.get(x)!=None:
value = DSvalues.get(heavy)
floatvalue = float(value)
atoms = DS1v.get(x) + Fxas*floatvalue
value = DSvalues.get(heavy)
floatvalue = float(value)
DS1v[x] = Fxas*floatvalue

updateDS1v(FCas, 'C')
updateDS1v(FHas, 'H')
updateDS1v(FOas, 'O')
updateDS1v(FNas, 'N')
updateDS1v(FSas, 'S')
updateDS1v(FClas, 'Cl')
updateDS1v(FBras, 'Br')
updateDS1v(FZnas, 'Zn')

it works perfectly now

thanks for the help


Dr. Alistair King
Research Chemist,
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry,
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science
P.O. Box 55 (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 9 191 50392, Mobile +358 (0)50 5279446
Fax +358 9 191 50366 


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