> Before few months,I write to this mailing list with python script
> install problem,but nobody give me right solution.I work on windows
> XP,and Python 2.4.
> Now,when I write in Python 2.4:
>>>> from distutils.core import setup
>>>> setup(......) # whatever I write

can you be a bit more precise?

> I got the error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     setup()

 >>> from distutils.core import setup
 >>> setup()
usage:  [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
    or:  --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
    or:  --help-commands
    or:  cmd --help

error: no commands supplied



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