"Brian Beck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> From my experience, this appears to be the order from low-level to 
> high-level interfaces:
> 1. mod_python: As complex as you need it to be, since you can control 
> anything about the request & response process. But more up-front work and 
> decisions to make than CherryPy.
> 2. mod_python with Vampire: Directs you toward a specific publishing 
> framework that is similar to CherryPy.
> 3. CherryPy: Like Vampire but simpler and doesn't require mod_python. The 
> simplest blend between low-level server interface and ease-of-publishing.
> 4. Twisted: Seems like this is a big package to work with, not sure how 
> easy it makes publishing once you get started-- better that someone else 
> comment on this.
> 5. Zope: The most complex solution, doesn't necessarily make the 'easy 
> things easy.' But covers all fronts in terms of what a user would ever 
> need.
> 6. Zope with Plone: Adds a ton of publishing functionality. Has many ways 
> to extend, but none of them are fun. You'll have to learn such complex 
> APIs that Python will rarely help you.

This is exactly the kind of summary that I think should be in a 
WebProgrammingShootOut (see another one of my postings in this thread) but I 
failed to find such a summary.  Thanks, Brian!  Anyone can add to the list?

BTW, there are other people who seem to have been also confused by the wide 
spectrum of choices for this problem: 


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