Thank you so much about this useful tip! I learned the new decorator feature of 2.4 simply because of your post.
Unfortunately I don't have luxury right now to run Python 2.4 (for what I'm doing anyways). You mentioned the way to do decorator in 2.3. Still I have a question here. Here is Scott David Daniels's code for lazy initialization: class Lazy (object): def __init__ (self, calculate_function): self._calculate = calculate_function def __get__ (self, obj, _=None): if obj is None: return self value = self._calculate(obj) setattr(obj, self._calculate.func_name, value) return value The problem I run into using this for *instance* variables is: the setattr() call won't work with a class with __slots__ defined - it simply produces error that the attribute we want to modify is read-only. Is there a workaround of this problem? By the way this implementation is indeed better than the __getattr__ since in the latter I need to do a series of if... elif... else to decide what to do with different attribute names. In the solution above, I imagine the attribute names are hashed so it should have better performance (the first time anyways). --