On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 02:24:50AM -0800, Frank Millman wrote:
> Hi all
> The subject line says it all.
> I have been using pypgsql to access PostgreSQL from Linux and from
> Windows, and it works fine.
> I am upgrading to Python 2.4. I can recompile pypgsql for Linux, but I
> do not have a Windows compiler. SourceForge has a binary for Python
> 2.3, which is the one I have been using. It does not have one for 2.4.
> I tried the psycopg site, but it does not seem to have binaries at all.
> Does anyone know if either of these will be available in binary form
> for Python 2.4 on Windows?


These are SSL-enabled dynamically linked and need the PostgreSQL client
libraries installed. I recommend the ones from PgAdmin3, which have SSL
support. They were only tested with these.

-- Gerhard

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