Omar wrote: > I'm looking for a programming language or module that sorta looks and > feels like MS Excel (I love and think in tables), yet has the power and > open-endedness of python or javascript. I'm still pretty new to > python. > > any ideas? i've been having some fun with VBA in excel, but I want > something I can save as en exe and call my own creation, y'know? >
More than the implementation, I would be curious about the API you (or anyone else) might envision. I have spent a lot of time making a "Table" class over about the last year and a half, but I'm not sure what might be an intuitive interface for most people. First, I think it should work like a "sorted" dictionary of lists, but, at the same time, a list of sorted dictionaries. I also want *shorthand* for selection. For example, does the output below look like an intuitive interface? Or, more likely, how many people get squeamish when they see this interface? Do these squeamish people have any better ideas? This is a taste of how my Table class currently behaves: py> print t # dependent on its property t.format Last First Age Barker Bob 204 Burnet Carol 64 Danson Ted 54 Cooper Alice 78 py> t.headings() ("Last", "First", "Age") py> t.get_row(1) # approximately equal clarity with 1d slice ['Burnet', 'Carol', 64] py> t[1] # implicit selection of "first" dimension ['Burnet', 'Carol', 64] py> t.get_column('Last') # probably clearer than taking a 1d slice ['Barker', 'Burnet', 'Danson', 'Cooper'] py> # the following is probably the trickiest, should it return a Table py> # should it be illegal? py> # should t['Last'] be the way to take the "slice" and get the col? py> t[None, 'Last'] # 1d slice returns list (2nd dim. explicit) ['Barker', 'Burnet', 'Danson', 'Cooper'] py> t2 = t[1:3, ('First', 'Age')] # 2d slice returns a new Table py> t2 <__main__.Table instance at 0x404f676c> py> t2.format Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 't2' object has no attribute 'format' py> t2.format = "%10s %4d" py> print t2 First Age Carol 64 Ted 54 py> t3 = t[1:3,'First':'Age'] # shorthand to take a swath of columns py> t3.format = "%10s %4d" py> print t3 First Age Carol 64 Ted 54 py> t3 = t[1:3, 0:2] # if we know what column numbers we want instead py> t3.format = "%10s%10s" py> print t3 Last First Burnet Carol Danson Ted These latter selections might turn some heads, especially for those who think a a little too deeply about dictionaries. But, unlike a dictionary, a Table is ordered. If you disagree with the assumption that tables are ordered, make a table in excel, save it, close it, open it again and see that the columns are still in the same order. Do this 1000 times to convince yourself. The table will be in the same order every time! Amazing! The idea is that tables are not dictionaries--please resist drawing paralells. If we strangle ourselves with operating under the dictionary paradigm, we will never get a Table. Trust me, I've thought about it more than most. (If you want a Table to act like a dictionary, I can make a RandomTable class just for you.) Notice also that slicing can be done with a tuple or a list, so type checking is done in the implementation--but lets forget about our notions of impementation and how type checking is "bad". I want to get feedback on the API here without regard to how it might be implemented. In a Table, the first dimension is row and the second is column (i.e. the data is organized by rows). My Table class has a lot of additional functionality. But, I'm curious about how people see such a beast working, though. Please don't criticize unless you have a better idea about the API of a Table. I want to hear genuine and concrete ideas and not abstruse pontification about programming or design! Statements of "I wouldn't do this thing here" should be immediately followed by "--rather, I would do this other thing for which I've created a concrete example below." If you think this interface is genius, well my ego wants to hear about that as well, but its not terribly necessary. James -- James Stroud UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics Box 951570 Los Angeles, CA 90095 --