Thanks James and Steve for the feedback I have made the appropriate
changes and republished the survey at the following URL:

Rob J

James Stroud wrote:
> RobJ wrote:
> > Hi! My Name is Rob Johnson and I am a graduate student at The Richard
> > Stockton College of NJ. To make a long story short, I'm working on my
> > Masters project in the MAIT program (Masters of Arts in Instructional
> > Technology). I have written a proposal to put together a free on-line
> > Python web framework workshop. The workshop will be geared to help
> > people new to Python web frameworks. I am asking for the community's
> > assistance to help me get this project off the ground. As part of my
> > project, I am conducting a survey for people who are interested in
> > learning more about python web frameworks.  The survey is located at
> > I have also started a
> > blog about this experience in order to let people know what I'm doing
> > ( If you have a few minutes, please take
> > a couple of minutes to take the quick survey. The survey is anonymous
> > and the information will be used for statistics for my project. Also,
> > any constructive feedback or suggestions that you can give me would be
> > gladly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Rob J
> >
> Q9 should be "check all that apply" or otherwise qualified with "primarily".
> Q10 is missing other types of broadband such as what one might find at
> school, and also have the option of multiple selections.


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