"Mudcat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When you say far better widgets, do you mean that it has a greater
> number of widgets to choose from, or that the types of widgets are
> basically the same but have a greater amount of flexibility in them?

There's a lot more and they look a lot better.  Tk widgets are quite
stylized and independently of that they look like crap.

> Personally I find programming in Tkinter fairly simple and
> straight-forward. 

Tkinter programming is not too bad once you get used to it, if you
don't mind the limited widget set and weird restrictions, that is
true.  Plus, it's included in the Python distro, which is the main
reason I keep using it.  That's worked ok for me because the apps I've
written with it just needed basic GUI functionality and were not too
demanding of stylistic fine points.  But Tkinter seriously dated by
now, and I don't think its widgets are anywhere near slick enough for
wide-distribution desktop apps that have to look polished.

> What would be really cool is if someone were to come up with a UI
> that has a totally new look and feel than anything that currently
> exists on Windows.

No that would suck.  Best to try to stay as close as possible to the
native widgets on whatever the underlying platform is.  If you want
to depart from the native UI, then start from scratch and write a whole
new window system with a complete app suite etc.

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