Since others want to see more,

Try this, you can make the changes you want to the 
look of your final output with grid or 
pack_forget() . 

root = Tk()
class Ktest:
    def __init__(self):

    def  Ftest1(self):
        except AttributeError :
        self.test1 = Button(root, text='Push #1
                          button', bg = 'yellow',
                          width = 25,
                          command = self.Ftest2,
                          height = 25)
        self.test1.grid(row=0, column=0)

    def Ftest2(self):

       self.test2 = Button(root, text='Push #2
                         button', bg = 'green',
                         width = 25,
                         command = self.Ftest1,
                         height = 8)
       self.test2.grid(row=0, column=0)
if __name__==  '__main__' :


> On Saturday 04 November 2006 11:03, Dustan 
> > Back in this post, I attempted to make a
> > label look like a button:
> >
> >on
> > /browse_thread/thread/a83195d3970a6851/2053cb
> >aec
> > 1bc1f19?auth=DQAAAHkAAAAMDAWnhNnzpuKlwOKZUwAG
> >UTt
> > T2Ay-EAB7rCY6SnwfnDzZ98M37bZDW2Is0LrBVrr8XEgP
> >fcu
> > OkiUE-CrSsKbBSX-67voDUXfbATBd0eYNMClezby4EXT2
> >fuL
> > m6f0llJ_xMO8BfkjVho_7CZvlf_9tNGnJixTbq8zr21OD
> >ZBh ouQ
> >
> > Alright, I've learned my lesson - don't use a
> > new widget; modify the old one.
> >
> > Except the Entry widget doesn't have a
> > disabledforeground option. Neither does the
> > Text widget, but IDLE seems to accomplish
> > making a disabled Text look the same as an
> > enabled Text in the IDLE Help section.
> >
> > No, foreground (fg) and background (bg) don't
> > make a difference; it still changes the color
> > of the Entry widget upon disabling.
> >
> > There must be something I'm missing here...
> My previous post was hasty and we all know,
> "Haste makes waste."
> Try this;
> If you use wiget-01.pack_forget() or
> wiget-01.grid_forget(),  you can now build
> wiget-02 using wiget-02.pack or grid() for the
> same location.
> You can reinstall uninstalled wigets by using
> pack() or grid() again for those hidden wigets.
> However only after uninstalling for the wigets
> in those locations.
> root = Tk()
> test1 = Button(root, text='Test No.1 button',
> bg = 'yellow', width = 15, height = 10)
> test1.grid(row=0, column=0)
> test1.grid_forget()
> test2 = Button(root, text='Test #2 button', bg
> = 'green', width = 15, height = 10)
> test2.grid(row=0, column=0)
> mainloop()
> jim-on-linux

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