Is there a new version of Demo Docs released also?

I get this error from Sourceforge after clicking on
the  link at wxPython page.

Could not read file.

Go back.
Nov 08, 2006 07:10

--- Robin Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Announcing
> ----------
> The release of wxPython is now available for
> download at
>  This is expected
> to be the last
> stepping stone in the path to the next stable
> release series,
> 2.8.x. We're pushing full speed ahead in order to
> get 2.8.0 included
> with OSX 10.5, and so far we are very close to being
> on schedule. This
> release has some house-keeping style changes, as
> well as some
> user-contributed patches and also the usual crop of
> bug fixes.  Source
> and binaries are available for both Python 2.4 and
> 2.5 for Windows and
> Mac, as well some pacakges for varous Linux
> distributions.  A summary
> of changes is listed below and also at
> What is wxPython?
> -----------------
> wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming
> language. It
> allows Python programmers to create programs with a
> robust, highly
> functional graphical user interface, simply and
> easily. It is
> implemented as a Python extension module that wraps
> the GUI components
> of the popular wxWidgets cross platform library,
> which is written in
> C++.
> wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means
> that the same program
> will usually run on multiple platforms without
> modifications.
> Currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft
> Windows, most Linux
> or other Unix-like systems using GTK2, and Mac OS X
> 10.3+, in most
> cases the native widgets are used on each platform.
> Changes in
> ------------------
> Patch [ 1583183 ] Fixes printing/print preview
> inconsistencies
> Add events API to wxHtmlWindow (patch #1504493 by
> Francesco Montorsi)
> Added wxTB_RIGHT style for right-aligned toolbars
> (Igor Korot)
> Added New Zealand NZST and NZDT timezone support to
> wx.DateTime.
> wx.Window.GetAdjustedBestSize is deprecated.  In
> every conceivable
> scenario GetEffectiveMinSize is probably what you
> want to use instead.
> wx.Image: Gained support for TGA image file format.
> wx.aui: The classes in the wx.aui module have been
> renamed to be more
> consistent with each other, and make it easier to
> recognize in the
> docs and etc. that they belong together.
>      FrameManager -->       AuiManager
>      FrameManagerEvent -->  AuiManagerEvent
>      PaneInfo -->           AuiPaneInfo
>      FloatingPane -->       AuiFloatingPane
>      DockArt -->            AuiDockArt
>      TabArt -->             AuiTabArt
>      AuiMultiNotebook -->   AuiNotebook
>      AuiNotebookEvent -->   AuiNotebookEvent
> wx.lib.customtreectrl: A patch from Frame Niessink
> which adds an
> additional style (TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT) that
> (un)checks a parent when
> all children are (un)checked.
> wx.animate.AnimationCtrl fixed to display inactive
> bitmap at start
> (patch 1590192)
> Patch from Dj Gilcrease adding the
> for wx.lib.flatnotebook.
> wx.Window.GetBestFittingSize has been renamed to
> GetEffectiveMinSize.
> SetBestFittingSize has been renamed to
> SetInitialSize, since it is
> most often used only to set the initial (and
> minimal) size of a
> widget.
> The QuickTime backend for on MS
> Windows works
> again.  Just pass
> to the
> constructor to use it instead of the default
> ActiveMovie backend,
> (assuming the quicktime DLLs are available on the
> system.)
> -- 
> Robin Dunn
> Software Craftsman
>  Java give you jitters?  Relax
> with wxPython!
> -- 


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