If you are looking for an example of jython there is one in embeded in
csound blue.  available from the csounds.com website I believe.  I have
used it under the new java framework.  I am not far enough along to
know if you are missing brackets {} exc and () and one ; but you can
try getting the python part to work under python 2.3


donkeyboy wrote:
> All,
> I've tried the jythonc compiler to try and create an applet to see how
> it works, but I get a number of Java compile errors that are way above
> my knowledge. Does anyone know what any of the following means? I'm
> using JDK 1.5.0_09, under Win XP SP2.
> Runnnig the file " jython FILENAME" works, so I don't know what's
> happening. Any thoughts?
> C:\EclipseWorkbench\Jython>jythonc -d --jar leaders.jar jy_leaders.py
> processing jy_leaders
> Required packages:
>   javax.swing
>   java.lang
>   java.awt
>   java.applet
>   java.util
> Creating adapters:
>   java.awt.event.ActionListener used in jy_leaders
> Creating .java files:
>   jy_leaders module
>     MyDrawPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel
>     Main extends java.applet.Applet
> Compiling .java to .class...
> Compiling with args: ['c:\\Program
> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_09\\bin\\javac', '-clas
> spath',
> 'C:\\jython\\jython.jar;;.\\jpywork;;C:\\jython\\Tools\\jythonc;C:\\Ecli
> pseWorkbench\\Jython\\.;C:\\jython\\Lib;C:\\jython',
> '.\\jpywork\\jy_leaders.jav
> a']1  .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:3: <identifier> expected
> public class jy_leaders extends java.lang.Object {
>              ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:8: '{' expected
>     public static class _PyInner extends PyFunctionTable implements
> PyRunnable {
>                   ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:419: ')' expected
>             Py.initProxy(this, "jy_leaders", "MyDrawPanel", args, 2
> jython_leaders_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$proxyProperties
> , "", new String[] {"jy_leaders"});
> ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:548: ')' expected
>             Py.initProxy(this, "jy_leaders", "Main", args, 2jython_
> leaders_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$proxyProperties, "", n
> ew String[] {"jy_leaders"});
>  ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:565: ')' expected
>         Py.runMain(jy_leaders._PyInner.class, newargs, 2jython_lead
> ers_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$mainProperties, "", new St
> ring[] {"jy_leaders"});
>                     ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:565: ';' expected
>         Py.runMain(jy_leaders._PyInner.class, newargs, 2jython_lead
> ers_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$mainProperties, "", new St
> ring[] {"jy_leaders"});
>                                                     ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:565: <identifier> expected
>         Py.runMain(jy_leaders._PyInner.class, newargs, 2jython_lead
> ers_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$mainProperties, "", new St
> ring[] {"jy_leaders"});
>                                                          ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:565: '{' expected
>         Py.runMain(jy_leaders._PyInner.class, newargs, 2jython_lead
> ers_sandbox.jpy$packages, jy_leaders.jpy$mainProperties, "", new St
> ring[] {"jy_leaders"});
>                                    ^
> .\jpywork\jy_leaders.java:569: '}' expected
> ^
> 9 errors
> Any help would be of great assistance -- thanks in advance.


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