rodmc wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed Fnorb and everything seems to have gone ok. However I
> keep getting the error message below. This is despite the fact that the
> MS CL c++ preprocessor seems to be in PATH. I can type "cl" and
> although I get nothing back in the DOS window, there is also no error
> message.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\Fnorb\script\", line 53, in
> -toplevel-
>     raise "No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!"
> No C/C++ pre-processor found in your PATH!
> On seeing what information is returned the variables which are
> searching for the presence of CL in PATH come back with nothing.
> System: Windows XP, Python 2.4, Most recent version of Fnorb 1.3.
> Any pointers are welcome. Thanks in advance.

I used omniorb, and have been very satisfied with it. You might consider


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