Luis M. González wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrito:
> > Luis M. González wrote:
> > > OK. But since when has python been considered a viable alternative for
> > > web development?
> > > As a generalp purpose language, it's older.
> > > But as a web development language, it's olnly when people started to
> > > look for the "rails killer" and many python alternatives started to
> > > come up (although Django has been in development for a long time before
> > > all this hype).
> >
> > Huh?  I've been doing paid python web work since 2000.  I'm fairly sure
> > that Yahoo! groups predates that by a while, and I know that
> > mod_python/httpdapy goes back at least to 1998 (and Python CGI predates
> > that significantly).
> Do not forget the subject of this thread.
> Nobody is criticizing python here. I am a "believer"!

I was responding to the statement "since when has python been
considered a viable alternative for web development".

At any rate, I haven't had any problems finding cheap Python hosts, so
I think that's largely a straw man--there are _more_ PHP hosts out
there, but it's not as though you're limited to only 2-3 Python hosts.
There are plenty to choose from.


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