At Friday 17/11/2006 17:40, Tim Roberts wrote:

> double wow!  as it is my customer wants me to print to the default
> printer.
> can you please help me with the command for rendering the pdf to the
> printer with acrobat using python?

You'll have to use the registry to find "acrord32", but once you find
it, you just do:
    os.system( "\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Reader\acrord32.exe
/p xxx.pdf" )
The /p switch requests printing.

Or just let Windows do the dirty work of locating Adobe Reader, figuring out the parameters and such:

import win32api
win32api.ShellExecute(0, "print", path/to/document.pdf, None, None, 0)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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