king kikapu wrote:

> Hi to all,
> i am not sure if this question really belongs here but anyway, here it
> goes: I have seen a lot of IDEs for Python, a lot of good stuff but
> actually none of them has what, for example, Visual Studio has: a
> Visual Editor (with the  ability to place controls on forms etc etc),
> or RAD
> I know that there is Glade but does anybody knows of some product, or
> an ongoing effort to this direction so i can have a look at ?
> Coming from Windows and world, i think the only missing point
> here is the integration of the Pyrthon with a RAD IDE...
> Thanks a lot and i apologize if this isn't the correct place for this
> question...
> Kikapu

You might want to check out "dabo" It's only at .7 but it
has a GUI designer (uses wxPython). Has a 3 tier design and able to use
MySQL, Postgres, FireBird, and soon MSSQL. The project has a ways to go but
it's goal is to be similar to windows IDEs such as VFP, VB6 and VS.


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