Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> hg wrote:
>> We noticed that len('à') != len('a')
> sounds odd.
>>>> len('à') == len('a')
> True
> are you perhaps using an UTF-8 editor?
> to keep your sanity, no matter what editor you're using, I recommend
> adding a coding directive to the source file, and using *only* Unicode
> string literals for non-ASCII text.
> or in other words, put this at the top of your file (where "utf-8" is
> whatever your editor/system is using):
>    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> and use
>    u'<text>'
> for all non-ASCII literals.
> </F>


The problem is that:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import string
print len('a')
print len('à')

returns 1 then 2

and string.maketrans(str1, str2) requires that len(str1) == len(str2)



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