On Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:13:10 -0800, Daniel Austria wrote:

> Sorry,
> how can i convert a string like "10, 20, 30" to a list [10, 20, 30]
> what i can do is:
> s = "10, 20, 30"
> tmp = '[' + s + ']'
> l = eval(tmp)
> but in my opinion this is not a nice solution

It is a dangerous solution if your data is coming from an untrusted source.

>>> s = "10, 20, 30"
>>> L = [x.strip() for x in s.split(',')]
>>> L
['10', '20', '30']
>>> L = [int(x) for x in L]
>>> L
[10, 20, 30]

Or, as a one liner:  [int(x.strip()) for x in s.split(',')]



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