I for one like the pdf format. Nothing irks me more than help files in
multipage HTML. I want a document I can easily download and save.
Thanks for your efforts.

> Greetings all,
> Some of you may have noticed the launch of the Python Journal a while
> back. Due to artistic differences, the journal has now been re-launched
> as The Python Papers. It is available under a Creative Commons License,
> something we felt was appropriate given its nature. Many here commented
> that this was important to them, and it is important to us also.
> For a fuller description of what we hope the journal to be, I re-create
> my inaugural blog posting at the end of this email, or it can be found
> online here: http://pythonpapers.cgpublisher.com/diary
> Some of you had a number of specific points to raise, which I can now
> answer properly since launching under our own banner.
> 1.) It takes too many clicks to download.
> A) We know, but it's like that to save our server. We will be
> publishing to a number of online archives, back-issues may be
> back-linkable from those.
> 2.) Is it free?
> A) Yes, as in beer and as in freedom. Creative Commons 2.5
> Noncommercial, attribution, share-alike.
> 3.) Can I have an HTML version?
> A) No, we like it pretty.
> 4.) Why not try (insert favourite thing here)
> A) We will. Thanks for the fish.
> " Volume 1, Edition 1 makes history
> Welcome to The Python Papers. This journal, small though it is,
> represents the careful efforts of a small group of Python enthusiasts
> who are keen to form a better community in which developers may work.
> As Editor-In-Chief, my role is manifold, but my goals are to improve
> the level of connectedness of Python developers, and in so doing
> improve my own developer experience.
> The entire editorial board has put time into making this publication
> something which will hopefully lead to a buildup of momentum, fuelled
> by the enthusiastic involvement of others who find Python as exciting
> as we do.
> The current issue contains one academic, peer-reviewed article, one
> industry article, and a list of events coming up in Melbourne,
> Australia. We would like to expand this list significantly. We offer
> our services in organising, collating and reviewing submitted content
> such that Python developers around the world may participate in the
> creation of something bigger than all of us, for the benefit of all of
> us. It may be a small journal, a little thing really, but all are
> welcome, and we look forward to getting to know our readers through the
> written word.
> Please download the first edition, and consider both what it is and
> what it might be.
> For those of you looking to publish an academic paper as a part of
> coursework or for interest's sake alone, we can offer a formal review
> process which will meet those guidelines while preserving the goals of
> freedom of information and community spirit.
> Those who are using Python in their work may like to consider using the
> journal as a means of expressing successes or frustrations with either
> the language itself or specific applications. We may be able to offer
> code reviews and style guides, and would be happy to hear about and
> help propagate news of what is happening so that everyone can take an
> interest.
> For those who would like a reliable source of information, The Python
> Papers presents a unique and current view into the state of Python at
> large.
> To all of you, welcome!
> Cheers,
> -Tennessee (Editor-In-Chief)"


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