Rob De Almeida wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
> > I was under the impression that WSGI in mod_python was a rather kludgy
> > way to do WSGI, but I don't know what the alternatives are. CGI?
> > Python http server (e.g. CherryPy)? Something else?
> You can use FastCGI or SCGI too, with Apache, lighttpd or Cherokee.

I think the motivation behind suggesting an Apache solution was that
you'd be able to migrate the PHP resources you already have running in
Apache (I assume, since PHP can run in other places these days) to
mod_python whilst staying within the Apache environment, rather than
having to maintain a number of different environments at the same time.
In other words, you'd write your replacement resources using WSGI (or
whatever) on mod_python (for performance), CGI (for relative
simplicity), or some other connection technology, and then it'd just be
a matter of changing the various directives and having Apache figure it

I know some people advocate proxying to a variety of backend servers,
and the Web obviously lends itself to flexible architectures in this
respect, but there are fairly good reasons for keeping the component
count low.



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