At Saturday 25/11/2006 00:14, wo_shi_big_stomach wrote:

> The filter should be applied to walkfiles. Something like this:
> dir = path(/home/wsbs/Maildir)
> for f in filter(os.path.isfile, dir.walkfiles('*')):
>         #
>         # test:
>         # print f

Thanks, this way f will print the full pathname/filename. But f already
does that using Jason Orendorff's path module:

dir = path('/home/wsbs/Maildir')
for f in dir.walkfiles('*'):
        print f

The filter is used to exclude directories. fileinput can't handle directories.

At this point I believe the error has to do with fileinput, not the path
or os.path modules.

If I give fileinput.input() a hardcoded path/filename in place of 'f'
the program runs. However the program will not accept either f or 'f' as
an argument to fileinput.input().

Tried with (f,) ?
Notice that *this* error is not the same as your previous error.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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